image of people running on treadmills

1 - Membership and Payment Agreements

1.1 Membership Agreement
These regulations are considered an integral part of the membership agreement to be signed by each member. By signing, the member expressly agrees to comply with the club's rules and conditions. Before joining the club, members must pay a corresponding club membership, any initial contributions and, if agreed, the annual fee or any advance payments in cash.

1.2 Joining a club
A one-time club membership is charged. This fee may be adjusted by Town Sports AG (hereinafter referred to as TSAG). Membership in the club will not be refunded; this also applies if you leave or cancel before the end of one year.

1.3 Monthly contributions
Members must pay the membership fees set by TSAG each year in autumn in advance at the end of each month. TSAG has the right to adjust the fees/tariffs to meet requirements at any time. Members must be notified of a change in the monthly fee no later than 30 days before it comes into force. This announcement will be posted in the club and announced in the club information.

1.4 Monthly payment
The monthly contributions and additional costs can only be paid by the member by direct debit (LSV) or with a standing order from the post office. A separate form must also be signed for both procedures. In the event of an increase in contributions, a new form with the new amount must be created for the Swiss Post standing order. If payment arrears of more than one month in the first year of membership, TSAG has the right to claim the entire membership fee.

1.5 Prepayment
Members can also pay the full annual fee in cash in advance. At the end of the first membership year, the member can pay the club membership again in advance or switch to paying the contributions monthly (see point 1.4).

1.6 Costs in case of cancellation of LSV or standing order
For each case of debit rejection, whether due to suspension of the account, due to insufficient coverage, etc., the member will be charged an operating allowance of CHF 30.-.

1.7 Deferred membership fees and/or fees
If a member is in default of payment of one or more monthly fees or annual membership and/or fees and, following a reminder, the member has not paid the debt within the specified period, he may be denied access to the club until the amount owed has been paid. Processing fees will be charged from the first reminder: Fr. 10.- for the first reminder and Fr. 30.- for the second reminder.

1.8 Membership change
Members can have the type of membership changed by written request. The monthly fees will be adjusted according to the new type of membership. After reallocation, a processing fee of CHF 50.- will be charged.

1.9 Limiting the number of members
It is intended to limit the number of memberships in the club so that members can be guaranteed reasonable and reasonable use of club facilities. However, it is possible that there may occasionally be waiting times or delays during peak fitness and weight periods. For such cases, waiting lists are maintained by the reception.

1.10 Time credit
If a member is unable to use the club for at least one month due to illness, pregnancy, accident, professional stay abroad, education abroad, civil/civil protection service or military, TSAG will provide a corresponding time credit. This time credit is issued on the basis of a written request to the club and only if there is written proof of impediment. The membership card must be stored in the club. The application must be submitted immediately, as retroactive credits are excluded.

1.11 Interruptions
Membership can be interrupted for a fee of CHF 50 (even without information in accordance with point 1.10). The interruption must be requested in advance, must be at least 1 month and may not exceed 1 year. The interruption starts at the earliest when you cancel and hand in the membership card and at most until the specified end date. After that, the agreed membership fees are due again, with the credits only being made after 12 months of contributions have been paid. The minimum membership period is extended by the duration of the interruption.

2 - Transfer and termination of membership

2.1 Transfer of membership
Each member is entitled to transfer their membership to another person for a fee of CHF 50.-. This fee is waived if the new person agrees to do so for a further 12 months. The person concerned must present themselves to club management ahead of time and complete all necessary entry formalities. The club reserves the right to refuse a transfer. A membership that has already been transferred cannot be transferred to a third person.

2.2 Membership period
The membership period is at least one year. After the end of the first membership year, membership is extended by one month and can be terminated at the end of the following month with a notice period of one month.

2.3 Cancellation of membership
At the end of the first year of membership, you can cancel as follows:
1. Written termination by means of a registered letter to the club.
2. Returning the member card.
3. Payment of all outstanding membership fees and other debts to TSAG.

2.4. Termination during a contract interruption
During an interruption, you can also only cancel after 12 monthly installments have been paid at the earliest. However, the last monthly fee is always due for payment. This does not apply to cancellations due to illness and accidents.

2.5 Violations of regulations
If a member does not comply with the club regulations despite a reminder, they may be expelled from the club by TSAG or may be denied the extension of their membership. The club management assesses violations of regulations.

2.6 Changes of address
The member must notify the club in writing of changes to their address and/or telephone number within 14 days

3 - Liability

3.1 Training risk
Members and guests train and use all club facilities at their own risk. The club disclaims any liability for damage to health. Members may have to be examined for health risks before starting their activities in the club. The club makes no promises regarding medical successes that could be achieved by using the club's facilities.

3.2 Instruction
All equipment in the club may only be used by members and guests after instructions from club staff.

3.3 Liability for thefts
TSAG is not liable for loss, theft or damage to members' property. We recommend that all members always lock their belongings and monitor the key.

4 - General provisions

4.1 Member and guest rules
Members and guests are required to comply with club rules and club management instructions.

4.2 Membership card
For a deposit of CHF 10.-, each member receives a personal, non-transferable membership card. This must be presented unsolicited at the reception every time you visit. Lost or stolen membership cards must be replaced (cost: CHF 10.-) .Membership privileges are limited to the person in whose name the membership card is issued. Misuse of the membership card will result in its withdrawal. In the event of withdrawal, the deposit paid will be repaid after the card is returned, provided that there are no further debts to TSAG. If the card is damaged or cannot be reused for any other reason, TS AG may refuse to repay the deposit.

4.3 Members without a card
Members who cannot show their membership card must deposit a deposit of CHF 10.-. This fee will be refunded upon presentation of the membership card.

4.4 Use of cloakrooms
Sports equipment and clothing may not be left in the club overnight, except in a rented cloakroom locker.

4.5 Pets
It is not allowed to bring pets into the club.

4.6 Apparel
Members and guests should wear appropriate and appropriate sportswear (knee-length pants, no wide-cut tank tops, clean indoor sports shoes, etc.) when using club facilities. Shoes that are not exclusively worn indoors are not permitted. The weight equipment must not be used with sweaty training clothing. The fitness trainers present are entitled to expel members from the area if the clothing does not meet our rules. When available, saunas and steam rooms are nude areas where bathing and other clothing are not permitted. Only a bath towel or robe is allowed. In the relaxation room, the genital area must be covered. Towels brought along must be used there as seating and lying pads.

4.7 Guest fees
A guest fee must be paid for all guests who are introduced to the club by a member. The guest fee can be adjusted by the club.

4.8 Supervision of guests
Guests may only use the free weights under supervision.

4.9 Bath and training towels
Bath towels are available for a rental fee. A towel is mandatory in all areas of the club. In the sauna, the bath towel should be large enough that no sweat drips onto the wood.

4.10 Smoking
There is a general smoking ban.

4.11 Beverages + food
Glass containers and food of any kind are prohibited in all training rooms.

4.12 Modification of facilities and installations
The club reserves the right to change its facilities and facilities from time to time, to eliminate part of the facilities and facilities or to add others.

4.13 Special events
The club has the right, as required, to reserve the use of its facilities and facilities for special occasions and private use.4.14 Closure of the club

5 - Fitness lessons

5.1 Reservation for fitness lessons
Members have the right to reserve a place in a fitness lesson up to 6 days in advance.

5.2 Limiting class sizes
The size of fitness classes is limited to a certain number of participants.

5.3 Entry into the class after the lesson starts
Once a fitness lesson has started, it is no longer possible to join the class.

5.4 Footwear
Fitness lessons may not be attended without footwear.

5.5 Changing the schedule of fitness lessons
The club reserves the right to change the fitness lesson schedule at any time.

5.6. Fitness Lessons Regulations
The rules of fitness lessons can be amended by the club as required.

6 - Strength and endurance training

6.1 Series training
Training in series of weight machines is only allowed until there is no interruption for members with the normal program. Otherwise, the device must be released immediately.

6.2 Free weights
The free weights, discs, dumbbells and equipment must be recharged after use.

6.3 Hygiene
For hygienic reasons, wearers (power shirts) are not allowed in the weight room. A terry towel as a base is required for all exercises on equipment. After use, the devices must be cleaned with a disinfectant spray on site.

6.4 Time limit
Cardiovascular devices must be released after 30 minutes during peak hours.

7 - Customer rights/ Support Services Regulations

Membership entitles you to the following club support services:

• Discussion to clarify the current state of health with recording in the health questionnaire.
• Discussion to clarify training needs and training goals.
• Determination of physical capacity for individual dosage of training, at least in the areas of endurance and mobility, including recording and interpretation.
• Repeat this physical performance assessment after at least six months.
• Training advice and design of a training program tailored to individual needs and abilities.
• Possibility to record the individual training courses in a training log card provided in writing.
• Appropriate individual instruction and introduction to the training program.
• Continuous support and monitoring of training
• All of the above mentioned support services are included in the subscription or membership price.